Monday, March 29, 2010

Truly Terrible

I've contracted a rather poor habit. I've been staying up into the wee hours of the morning (anywhere between one and three) knitting and watching Lost. The funny thing is, though I like Lost, it is not the reason I'm staying up. It's the knitting. I just keep saying "one more row" or, "finish this stripe" or "I'm not that tired, I should really keep knitting." This goes on for several hours before I finally succumb to sleep. Tonight is different, because tonight I'm saying no. I'm truly very close to the end of the first sock; I've just begun the toe, but I must put it down now. I need to sleep. It is past two in the morning, and I really need to be out of the house by noon tomorrow, fully clothed, cleaned, and fed, ready to work. That means I must go to sleep, but the sock is calling my name. Surely, that last inch of sock will not be the death of my sleep pattern tonight...
No! I must say no to the sock, though it is enticing, because if I finish the toe, then I'll want to graft the end, and if I graft the end, then I'll want to weave in the end (yes, one end for two colors of yarn. I'm truly amazing). Then! Then I will want to try on the thing, and at that point I will probably pass out on my living room floor, my feet covered not by blankets, but by a single striped sock.
I'm entirely aware that the socks will look much cooler as a pair. They'd be alright socks if they were the same, but having the stripes be off-kilter is what makes the socks so cool, and it is that two-sock interest that makes it so hard to put this project down! I just want to start the second sock and get far enough along that I can show them off to people together, so that they too can share in the truly awesome nature of these socks. However, I must say no. The first step is admitting I have a problem.
Good night sock.
Good night readers.
Good night cat.
(Good night moon.)

Thing to be grateful for today: Bad days that do one-eighties.


  1. I'm exactly like this late into the night. It's amazing how easy it is for me to keep telling myself, "One more episode, then I promise I'll go to sleep/start on homework."
