Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today...I got no knitting done. Today, I left my knitting at home, and that is VERY upsetting indeed. I wish I could show you a picture of the scarf, totally knitted and ready to be embroidered, but I cannot. So instead, I must finish the scarf and begin to embroider it tomorrow. Then I will take it with me to the courthouse on Saturday when I get my passport renewed, so I'll work on it there.
I did get some poetry written and revised today, which is really nice. This is actually one that I wrote while I was visiting Massachusetts, and then revised a couple of time.

I walk across a plain of snow
(feel a twinge of guilt
for marking a blank canvas
that is not your own).

There never was a sleep
So peace nor so deep
As that which snow will grant.

So lie in a bank and wait
In that white and empty
(almost too full) space
For some boon of dream,
Light as lace
and down as death.

Whereby snow tells its tale
Of ice and powder and hail,
When some wretched sole came
And marked snow with its name.

The snow has a name we cannot say
And a voice beyond the ear.
It has the limited time we fear,
And it blesses our life today.

The snow waits for you.

Thing to be grateful for today: Beautiful smells.