Saturday, May 15, 2010


I would like you all to know that I feel very smart right now? See that in the upper left corner? That's the knitting olympics medal that I tried to add to the blog months ago, and failed! Today, I decided to face the odds (and the internet powers that be) and try it again, and I succeeded! This makes me feel very special, because now anyone coming to the blog sees THAT! Yes, I know how superbly nerdy it is to be an olypmic knitter, and no, I couldn't be happier to be a nerd.
That button means that I WON!!! I WON DAMMIT!
Also, I washed the socks for the first time last week. Hold your gasps of horror, I'd only worn them twice, BECAUSE I wasn't sure if they could be machine-washed or not. I found out that they could, popped them in the washer and dryer, and out came what appeared to be smaller socks. I was horrified and awful visions of having to actually give my mother a piece of knitting (she'll get the joke) ran through my head!! Then, I stuck one on and realized that the wash had not shrunk it, but instead compacted it. Now, the socks are a nice, snug fit, which is really quite a lot better than loosy-goosy socks that, while they look cool, kinda droop. The sock no longer have ANY droop, and I thoroughly approve of machine-washed hand-knit socks. They are probably my new favorite thing ever.
That's about it for today.

Thing to be grateful for today: How easy it was to get the second sock of the Alex Through the Looking Glass set back onto it's needles (long story. I'll have a whole blog for it later).


  1. Um... G, honey? I don't see your medal anywhere on the blog. Sorry.
