Thursday, May 13, 2010


I'm sorry. I have a confession to make. Tonight, I sat up much too late on facebook, and did not think of anything particularly good to write about...Please don't hate me for too long.

Thing to be grateful for today: MY LOVELY AND UNDERSTANDING READERS!!!

(Also this quote: "Gay marriage will lead to bestiality. Just like giving women the right to vote led to hamster's having the right to vote.")


  1. I thought you were going to give us your insights into Glee. I'm disappointed.

  2. I love your posts, but I don't get irritated if I don't get one every 24 hours.

  3. I was, but I think that that post will come tonight.

  4. Logan, the initial impetus for the blog was a challenge I made to Gardiner to write one blog post every day for 2010 as a writing challenge. And, except when he's been out of town and/or tech deprived by Karen, he's stuck with the challenge.
    That's why I'm such a frequent commenter. I figure that since I got him into this, I owe it to him to read every single post and comment on many of them.
