Monday, May 3, 2010

May Is for Finishing

May is for finishing. I have several projects going right now (knitting and otherwise) that I told myself I'd finish this month. You've seen the knitting projects, so I'll leave those be, but otherwise, there are three things I'd like to finish this month.
My veil painting.
My journal (Well, technically I'd like to be done with this on the last day of school, that way I could, on the first day of summer, start writing in the new fancy journal that I bought in Amherst ).
My Rosetta Stone Program in German (well, technically, I'd like to finish most of it this month and then work intensively on it the first week of summer, just before I go to Germany).

Speaking of the German trip, I thought I ought to start talking about my plans because, as you might have guessed, I won't be able to blog while I'm there, or at least not every day. Therefore, I have to figure out something to do. I have a few ideas. I'm fairly certain that I'll need a guest blogger, though I might distribute the chore between a few people if Lauren doesn't feel up to writing a little something every day. I'm also planning on writing a little something (poetry, journal entries, etc.) every day, and then posting it all in one uber-post when I get back. How does that sound to you guys? Maybe my mother would like to put up a few posts while I'm gone?

Thing to be grateful for today: Making it through.

1 comment:

  1. I can blog for you if you can figure out a way that can work.
