Saturday, May 22, 2010


Today, fate intervened in my life. It was a quite lovely.
For a week or so, my mom have been planning on going to our bank and starting up a debit account under my name so I won't have to carry around shit-tons of money while I'm in Germany. My mom and I went ahead and did it this morning. We went to our bank, which is about five minutes away from our house, and had just sat down with a woman who was going to help us create my account when we found out that we needed my social security number to do so and had to go back to the house to get it.
When we came back, the woman who had been helping us before was busy, so we were handed off to another woman. This woman told us that this was not her regular branch and that she was just there for the day. We began setting up the account, and in doing so had to of course explain that I would be using my card in Germany next month. It turns out that this woman was half-German and she and I ended up talking for a good half hour about the country and its people and history. It was amazing.
She told me about visiting the country, not only as a child, but later on as an adult, and about her relatives who lived there. She hadn't been there for a visit for years. We both attempted to speak German to one another, though neither of us were particularly successful. By the end of it, we both felt very good. She and I hugged. It was very emotional and beautiful.
To think that, had I decided to get my account set up another day, or had she been at her normal branch, or had my mom and I brought my social security number with us to begin with, I never would have met this woman who filled me with confidence about my trip. She told me that our talk had reminded her of how much she missed her family in Germany and had inspired her to try and go as soon as possible, so I like to think that it was really good for the both of us.
That was one of those moments where I plainly see God at work.

Thing to be grateful for today: Little acts of fate.

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