Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I really don't feel like writing anything very exciting tonight, and its I think I'll bitch about my socks really fast and then say goodnight.
Basically, I have two socks that are kicking my ass right now. I brought two different socks, from two different pairs around with me today so that I could be assure knitting all day. That didn't work out so well. Around four o'clock, I found myself with one sock that I had taken off of the needles to pull halfway out. Of course, I had been stupid and left the needles in my car, so I couldn't even put the sock back on the dang things. "Never fear," I thought to myself. You have your second sock to work on. Unfortunately, that sock required very specific cabling that I needed a cable needle for. Guess what? No cable needle. I deconstructed a pen and used its inner-most piece to cable...and then looked back and saw a mistake half a row back. Normally, half a row back is not such a big deal, but when it is in sock yarn, with a cable every few stitches, and the cables are sprouting of stitches that you magically created the row before, and so if they drop, you can't pick them up, because they cease to exist, it can be a LITTLE BIT STRESSFUL!!!!

They say that knitting calms a person down. I don't know who "they" are, but they're a bunch of goddamn liars!

(Disclaimer: I love knitting except for days like this when the sight of my pointy, too-effeminate (I hate that they're pink) double-pointed needles (I also hate that they're double-pointed...don't ask) sticking out of my bag is a horrible reminder of my failures.)

Thing to be grateful for today: That knitting is not my job and my family does not rely on me to churn out knitted objects to survive.


  1. Pink is not inherently a feminine or masculine color. When Revi was littler, he used to wear a lot of pink and whenever someone asked if he thought his shirt was maybe a little girly, he'd say, "Pink is a very happy color. It looks good on me. I don't see why I can't enjoy a part of the rainbow just because I'm a boy."

    Feel ya on the knitting frustration.

  2. That's definitely true. There's also the fact that I do not at all like the color pink though.

  3. I love pink, but that's not the point (point! Ha!) Why aren't you using two circulars???

  4. I'm not using two circulars for two reasons: Reason a: I never use two circulars. My preferred method is the magic loop. Reason b: I'm going to be flying soon, and I don't want to buy needles and the only wooden sock needles I have are double-points. My logic is that I should make sure that I am reacquainted with our double-pointed friends before I leave for Germany and wish to travel with them.

  5. It's international, and I'd rather not risk it.
