Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I made a delicious brunch for my mother this morning:

Yeah, that's right. I make drop biscuits instead of using a cookie cutter. Wanna make somethin' of it?

You can't tell, but there was garlic and red bell pepper under all that green. See the little bit of it peaking out in the bottom corner? Those vegetables went into some great eggs Florentine, if I do say so myself.

It was all very good.

This is what my mother did today.

Thing to be grateful for today: All of the wonderful mothers in my life, my own in particular.


  1. I hope the squirrel didn't pee on your Mom today! She looks very content. What is she reading? Such a big book, I'm thinking work-related...

  2. Drop biscuits are the BEST!

  3. One of my favorite Mothers Day ever! The biscuits were excellent! After brunch, I lay in the hammock reading "The Echo and the Bone" by Diana Gabaldon...and the squirrel didn't pee on me. :) Gardiner let me order him around. He did laundry, cleaned the common areas, and weeded and cleaned out a flower bed for me. Sweet!

  4. Wow! What a good son on mother's day. Plus, he took the time to call and leave me a message wishing me a happy mother's day. Pats on the head all around.
    (My verification word is "swuzzes." I'm not sure why that amuses me, but it does.)
