Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Inspiration Fail

Do you ever have one of those days when you can't think of anything to write about? is one of those days. I'll give it a try for you guys though.
The past twenty-four hours have been a culmination of the stress of the past five months (junior year of high school sucks) flying out of my body with a speed only comparable to that of a five year old when left alone in a room with your favorite book and a box of crayons (the horror!).
What I'm trying to say is, yesterday I was reduced to a screaming mess. It was not my proudest moment. Essentially what happened was, I felt wronged by one of my teachers, and the poor man felt the brute, emotional force of a seventeen year old boy going through a very emotional period of his life. He had no idea what he'd unleashed.
The next day I felt terrible for yelling at him and went to apologize, while still sticking to my firm belief that I as 100% correct in my opinion that he had acted unfairly. That chat did not go as well as I'd liked, but after reflecting about it the rest of the day and having one of the adults in my life that I have the most respect for pointed out just how genuinely kind of a person this man normally is, I went back and made sure that he knew that I really care about him and that he had just picked a terrible time to piss me off.
Lesson of the day: Sometimes, you don't even know how pissed off you are until you take it all out on someone who really doesn't deserve it.
Solution of the day: Know thyself (better than that)

Thing to be grateful for today: That I am a human and that that makes me capable of looking at my mistakes and learning from them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to apologize; It takes strength to face someone like that.
