Friday, April 2, 2010


I'm having a bit of a knitting discipline problem right now...
Who wants to knit a second sock, or a blanket, or the second half of a shawl/afghan thing, or a buttonband for a cardigan you had planned on finishing months ago when you could be knitting a weird hat! Or this! Or THIS! Or even this crazy endeavor! You see, you might not have noticed, but right now I'm not feeling very project monogamous.
There's a real problem with project non-monogamy. It doesn't lead to awesome pictures, especially when you are knitting these new, wonderful things only in theory. You see, those are all patterns that you have to buy online, and that requires a credit card, so getting parental permission can be sketchy. I've got a lot of projects I COULD/(should?) be working on, but right now, I want new and exciting! I want the thrill of a fun new, ambitious project, because right now, my projects are not very challenging.
I did decide on something new to make today that will cost me no money at all, but I'm not going to tell you about it and instead I'm going to make it and then post pictures and maybe a pattern. Anyway, I'm tired. Auf Wiedersehen!

Thing to be grateful for today: Lasko fans. I love 'em!


  1. The first link is amazing; I want one in dark red.

  2. Gardiner! How sweet of you to pick out those two sweaters for me! Size L, I think and the purple is perfect, but the wrap cardigan should be in an aubergine rather than blue. Oh, and I'll be happy to help out with the pattern purchase.

  3. Oh, and, yay for new fans, I say!

  4. "Aubergine". What a fancy word. That's definitely on par with "Petrichor". I love that word.
    Anyway, you can totally make those for yourself, Lauren. I was thinking I might make one for my step-sister, though at the same time, I'd like to start something in cotton soon, seeing as the summer is coming along. Maybe some plant fiber socks?
