Friday, January 22, 2010


So, I'm still focused on the sweater (I'm almost halfway through the second sleeve), but I have all of these ideas for other projects to work on once it's over in my head, and between trying the three major things I have going on, all of which need to be done in February, I think February is going to end up being more of a knitting month than January.
The first thing I need to be knitting in February is my mother's shawl, which was supposed to be her Christmas gift, but ended up being her birthday gift (don't worry, she still got a Christmas gift). Her birthday is the twentieth of February. I'm over halfway through with it, but I've still got a ways to go. It's beautiful, though it may end up being an afghan if it ends up being very LARGE (which it very well might). I would put up a picture of the shawl, but my mom hasn't seen it yet, and I'd like to keep it that way (she of course already knows that it is a shawl).
The second thing I want to be working on is assorted little projects that I'm planning on selling to raise money for Haiti. I'm thinking hats, little bags, and maybe a couple of scarves. This last piece actually ties into my third goal for the month, the knitting olympics. Now, I know some of you are going "huh? Those crazy knitters!" Well, let me tell you, the knitting olympics are pretty awesome! The basic idea is that you choose a project that will challenge you, but that you can knit from the time of the beginning ceremony of the olympics to the time of the ending ceremony. This year, I'm thinking I will knit a lace scarf.
My logic behind the lace is simple: I can knit it in the time given (hopefully), it will be a challenge, because my experience with lace is minimal, I can sell it for Haiti more easily because we are in Texas and the winter is ending here, so people won't be looking for warm handknits neccessarily.
So, that's the plan. In february, I am knitting little projects to raise money for Haiti that I can carry around with me when I'm knitting on the go, my mother's shawl, which will be an at home project because it is rather large and woolen, and finally the lace scarf, which while it is still for Haiti, is in a category of it's own because it is for the knitting olympics as well.
What do you guys think? Can I pull it off? Any suggestions for little projects? I'm thinking about this scarf. If you don't have a Ravelry account, that won't work, sorry.

Thing to be grateful for today: The Tower.


  1. Crazy Aunt Purl had a pattern somewhere in her archives for a tiny, chic little handbag with bangles for handles. A lady could slip the bangles on her wrist and hit the dance floor with her money, ID and lipstick safe in the little bag onher wrist. Those are cute and would take no time at all to knit. Also, the French Press felted slippers were pretty quick to knit.

    I'm going to do a FairIsle Tam for my Knitting Olympics project. The challenge is colorwork plus the discipline of finishing any project in the time constraint. Definitely a challenge for me.

  2. I'll totally look that pattern up. The problem with the French Pess slippers is that they are felted. Where am I to felt?
    I'm rethinking the lace, only because I'll be in New York for the opening Ceremony, and I'd like to make myself something...hmmmm...What do you think?

  3. The tiny purses are felted, too. You know you can felt at a laundromat, right?

  4. I'd be afraid that I would break something and have to flee the scene never to be seen again.
