Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So, I'm giving you a list of eight things that happened since my last post:

1. I tried to find more Patons SWS wool/soy blend so I could make a scarf. I did not succeed.
2. I went to the orthodontist, and all they did was take a mold of my teeth.
3. I started my German Rosetta Stone program. I now know more German than I did yesterday.
4. Despite screaming to the heavens that I would not draw "The Tower" card when I got home, I drew "The Tower". I'm trying to remain positive.
5. I had odd dreams (these included sunglasses, hospital visits, and study sessions).
6. I took a day off of school to do homework, rest up, and find my lost center.
7. This was javascript:void(0)taken well by all as far as I can tell.
8. I slept in.

Other than that, let's see...I'm feeling so much better having taken a small break from the world today, and now I think I'm going to bed. Good night all.

Thing to be grateful for today: Understanding teachers.