Wednesday, January 27, 2010

From My Journal

So, I had no computer at all yesterday (my mom and I's laptop was virus ridden, and my step-dad's computer does not have a working mouse), so I wrote this post in my journal last night, and I'm now giving it to you.

I finished a sleeve today, and have only the top of the second sleeve and the right should and the neck left to knit before I have to pick up the dreaded number of stitches and knit the button bands. I'm having my doubts about whether I can totally finish (blocking and all) by Monday at midnight, but I'm still trying.
As you might have guessed, not having a computer yesterday put a monkey wrench into my homework (read: I feel totally screwed, but I'll make it), so I'm a teensy bit worried about it right now.
Here's the final knitting line-up for February (I'm like a club now...tee-hee...line-ups):

Pre-New York:
  • Maybe Cardigan finishing...hopefully not though
  • Mama's Shawl
  • 2 Swatches for the knitting Olympics hat
  • 1 project to raise money for Haiti
I'll probably bring the project for Haiti (maybe one of my little bags) to this German speaking competition in San Antonio I have to go to soon, because I'll have a lot of knitting time there and that will be a convenient traveling project.

New York:
  • Knitting Olympics hat
  • Knitathon squares (These are being used to make scarves for the homeless)
  • Socks (the ones I didn't finish)
  • 1 Haiti project
Post New York:
  • Haiti projects
  • Knitting Olympics Hat
  • Knitathon squares

Dudes...that's a lot of knitting. Now, I need to go write today's post.

Thing to be grateful for today: My awesome purple Papermate pen! (I have a lot of these pens actually)

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