Friday, February 5, 2010

This Could Be Bad...

So guys...I think I might have made a very serious error...
Despite months of telling myself that I would not do this, or if I did I at least had to wait until July, I watched Lost today. Season 1 Episode 1.
Now, I'm not at all the type to get addicted to specific television shows for periods of time, especially if they have really cool plots...but let's just say that I might have been down this path with Heroes, Charmed, Card Captor Sakura (that one was long, long ago), True Blood, Queer as Folk, and Glee. What's happened in the past, is that I will watch the first few episodes of a show and become hooked...I then have to watch as many as humanly possible in as short a time as humanly possible so that I might catch up to the show's current running time as fast as possible.
As you might have guessed, this can have drastic effects on the state of my homework load, room, general hygiene, and social life (Let's not talk about when I first started watching Heroes...or how long it took me to watch the first three seasons. That was not one of my proudest moments).
It may be too late at this point to get me to stop watching Lost, but I may, if certain measures are taken, not completely lose my ever-loving mind and watch it in it's entirety over the next three weeks. That's six seasons, please let's not let me go that crazy. Here's the plan. If I've finished season 1 before the end of February, there's to be an intervention (something involving high levels of reading/bathing/thinking might be in order). I'll let you know where I'm at at the end of February, shall I?

Thing to be grateful for today: Self Control


  1. I watched the first season of Lost in a week, so I know what you mean. Just understand that it is really difficult to pay attention to your knitting and the show at the same time. Unless you're doing a no-look project, I can't recommend it. Maybe wait to indulge in tv overdose until after the knitting olympics?

  2. Pace yourself for Season 1 and then let Seasons 2 & 3 be your Spring Break reward.

  3. Don't hold yourself back! I went straight into Lost and watched the first season in a couple days. It's an addicting experience.
