Saturday, February 13, 2010

On the Road

I'm combining today and yesterday for convenience. I've been writing this post in my head for about 36 hours now. I don't have any photos right now, because my camera's battery is charging. Maybe I'll just post a long string of them tomorrow.

So, yesterday I drove off to my grandmother's house, and something very odd my mother and I were driving through east Texas, we began to see snow. SNOW, people! Not just a little bit of snow, but serious, honest to God INCHES of sticking snow! That does not happen in Texas. Somehow this week, every single state in the United States except for Hawaii had snow. Isn't that wild?

Anyway, we see this snow, and we just can't believe that it's really there. Then we see a snowman, and then another. Soon we've seen at least 20 decrepit, precariously leaning, depressing snowmen. They were a great source of amusement throughout our drive.

Anyway, we went through a scary period where we thought that the snow would be hindering our drive to Dallas in the morning and cause us to hinder our flight. We had expected snow to be a possible threat to the timeliness of our trip once we got up to the north, but never did we think that the snow would come to TEXAS! Apparently the weather wanted to test my conviction.

We thought we might go ahead and drive there last night and stay at the hotel by the airport, but eventually we just decided to stick with the original plan. That means that I got up at and ungodly hour this morning. I've now been up for almost nineteen hours after only five hours of sleep last night.

Anyway, long story short, after a terribly frightening drive through insane amounts of fog and snow, we made it to Dallas. There we ate sandwiches that supposedly contained egg, though I'm not sure that that's what it really was (those yolks were unnaturally yellow, I tell you!). None of our flights were delayed, in fact we made better time then expected. Of course, we had a run in with a slightly insane Brooklynese Russian man who drove us from JFK airport to Manhattan. He was nice enough as long as you weren't Italian, Brazilian, or a taxi driver.

Once in Manhattan, we had dinner, walked around Times Square (I swear, I walked outside and thought it was daytime. Turns out the sun had gone down LONG ago, the lights are just that bright). We finished the night with an event that changed my life forever...we saw "Next to Normal" on Broadway. If you don't know what "Next to Normal" is, look it up. Seriously, it's worth it. That show absolutely changed my life. The entire performance was incredible, and the set was genius. The music was beautiful, and Alice Ripley absolutely deserved the Tony for Best Actress that she received.

I have one last thing to tell you about; the Knitting Olympics. Because I had to wake up so early this morning, I did not wait for the torch to be lit (sorry, Lauren). I started the first sock on the plane this morning. I got through the ribbing for the cuff and half of the first pattern repeat on the leg. It's looking pretty cool right now. I calculate that that's about an eighth of a sock. That speed will just barely cut it. If I knit that much every day, I'll be done after sixteen days, which means I'll finish on the last day. That scares me. I do not like to be that last minute. We'll see what comes.

Thing to be grateful for today: NEXT TO NORMAL!!


  1. So are you saying you cast on many hours before the torch lighting? I'm not sure how that will sit with the Russian judge. They'll surely have to deduct some points for that.

  2. No, I cast on AFTER the torch lighting.
