Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite websites ever, It is a truly amazing website. The concept is that it is, but for optimists. Every day people send in stories that give them hope, and the website chooses the ones they like best.
Now, of course, some people are going to send in fake stories to see if they can get in, but I just let it be and enjoy them all, because not believing in any of the stories when they can't all be fake, and most of them are probably true, doesn't make sense to me.
Every day, usually a couple of times, I'll check givesmehope and read the new posts. They're just a really lovely pick me up, and I find the stories very inspiring. One of the today's in particular pulled at my heartstrings and made me realize how truly lucky I am.
"There are but two boys in my high school who have openly admitted they are gay.
They are constantly spit at and beat on in school, yet the more confident always holds the shyer one's hand. Despite threats, they showed up to prom together, wearing matching suits.
Seeing them on the dance floor, ignoring the world GMH."
Thing to be grateful for today:
Never heard of that website. I'll check it out.