My travel companions were totally awesome. That's my mom and grandmother. I knew that Times Square was bright, but when I walked out of our restaurant, I thought the sun was still up, but then I looked at the sky and it was black! I was dumbfounded and a little bit appalled by the amount of energy that must take.
We took the Amtrack down from New York into Amherst, Massachusetts. The ride was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, you can't really tell in this picture, but I was working on the sock throughout the entire ride.
The college of my dreams. I really loved it. My visit was a great experience, and fully sealed my conviction that this is the college for me. I'm fully aware that I look incredibly fruity in this picture.
Amherst got several inches of snow the next day. Now, some of you may not believe this, but I've never ever seen that much snowfall in my life. It was a magical thing for me. I wrote a poem about it. Maybe I'll post it sometime.
This is on the Hampshire campus. There is actually a path there, you just can't see it because of the snow. Funny how that works.
THe sock is coming along, though I should really be totally done with the first one tomorrow if I want to stay on schedule (we're at the halfway point right now, and I'm rather frightened). This picture was taken as of Thursday morning, and I've made about an inch and a half of progress on the foot. May the force be with me.
Before any of you ask, I am very aware that I'm making myself sparkly socks. Deal!
Thing to be grateful for today: Changes of heart.
Who had a change of heart about what? Heh. I made a typo that was "change of heat."
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures. I can deal with sparkly socks.