In my desperation, I used my knitting needles to coerce the end of the yarn through each stitch individually (have you ever tried that? It should be it's own olympic event, because it is darned hard!), until finally Lauren came to me and said, "Um...Have you tried a crochet hook?"
That dumbfounded me. I couldn't believe that I'd made such a rookie mistake. I quickly switched tactics and the grafting came along much faster after that.
Once I was finished, I did a victory lap around the house, calling people, showing my cats, and just generally having a great time, when...disaster! I discovered that I had incorrectly grafted the first sock, and that if I didn't fix it, my toes would poke a hole through the end so fast my head would spin.
I attempted to calm myself down, even though it was now six o'clock and time was running out. "It's ok," I said, " I'll just pull out the grafted end and redo it." Alas, it was not that simple, for no sooner than I had begun to pull out the grafted end, did stitches begin to drop. Eventually, I gave up, cut off a particularly stubborn corner of the damned thing, and unraveled a few rows.
I desperately began to mend the sock. It was in this state of knitterly nirvana that I heard the voice of God, and God said, "Finish this sock on time, or I will pwn your ass!" I did what God said.
And so I give to you, my Winter Olympics 2010 Socks:
I think that the hair on my legs counteracts the non-manly nature of sparkly socks.
I actually finished grafting the first sock at the roller derby, so here it is, being held by two roller girls off of the "Hellcats", a la "Yarn Harlot".
I am done! I feel so accomplished. Now, on to nice, peaceful, easy-going, flat garter stitch.
Thing to be grateful for today: Fun.