I have no regrets.
It's 28.5". That's not bad at all. Of course, if I want to stick my plan and have it totally blocked and unpinned so I can sleep under it on the first night of 2011, but not finish knitting in November and then put off blocking it for a month, rather than actually knitting it throughout and to the end of 2010, I'll have to start pacing myself. Maybe one row a day? I REALLY want to still be knitting this thing on Christmas. In FACT maybe I'll make that the official cast off date. Sounds like a plan. Here we are then: Official cast off date for the blanket is December 25th, 2010.
Anyway, tomorrow I hope to have a finished project to show you. Today though, not so much. I've got a couple of neat things running around my head, and I'm trying to give them a firm, WAIT, because I need projects to work on for Germany. The plan right now is to knit one sock on the journey there and one on the journey back, but we'll see how that goes. I'll want to bring the blanket, though I'll probably just put the second piece on hold and start the third one IN Germany so I can carry it around more easily...a third project for the trip is almost certain. Non-knitters, don't judge.
Thing to be grateful for today: The people who I know will listen and the people who I know will tell me I'm wrong.
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