Saturday, May 1, 2010

GROUNDED! (Sort of)

This is Lauren (yes, that Lauren) substitute blogging on behalf of Gardiner who has been technology-grounded for a few days by Karen for spending way too much time communing with the internet. Interestingly, Karen assigned herself the same restrictions. I've never tried giving myself a grounding though I have given myself a time-out.

Anyway, Gardiner gave me the user name and password to the blog so that you all wouldn't see the blog go dark and think something dreadful had befallen him. He just wanted me to tell you all what has happened so you wouldn't worry, but actually I could say anything I want, couldn't I? And he wouldn't see it for days since he can't use the computer. Bwahaha (rubs hands in an evil-plotting way).

OK, I'm terrible at thinking up mischief since I'm basically a really nice person. Anyone have any ideas?


  1. You should make a big deal about doing something really bad on his blog. This should make him sweat for a few days and then when he finally gets back on he can find that what you did wasn't actually that bad. That should cause a fair amount of insanity.

  2. That would have worked. I would have had to have you texting him hints about the alleged mischief. However, his tech time-out is apparently over. Still, I have the user name and password now and could wreak havoc anytime.

  3. This could get interesting....
