Here he is:
(Yes, the Cardigan is a he, since the pattern is called Dave A very good friend of mine and I have decided that Dave and I have a very healthy relationship that is going to last a long time.)
Now, back to Meryl Streep, Godess of knitted inspiration. She was a major character in both "Julie and Julia" and "Doubt", and was absolutely astounding in both! Both of her characters were incredibly believable and 3-Dimensional. What made it even more amazing was that the two characters (Julia Childs and Sister Aloysius) could not have been more different! Julia Childs was sweet, bubbly, and innocent, while Sister Aloysius was cold, hardened, and harsh. In fact, the only trait they seemed to share was their determination!
In both films, Streep was intense and powerfully in her character. Her portrayal of Julia Childs (Who I am, admittedly, rather unfamiliar with...I thought that she was an actress), was funny and engaging. As Sister Aloysius, she was somehow able to make the viewer detest her, find her hillarious, and finally come to a deep understanding that the character was in fact a very good person who was trying to do what she thought was right.
"Julia and Julia" was an AWESOME movie, and particularly relevant to me because it's about a woman who keeps a blog for a year (I honestly didn't know that until a few days ago). It was sweet, funny, and poignant. "Doubt" was INTENSE, but in an awesome way! Everyone in that movie was absolutely excellent, and it's no wonder Viola Davis one an academy award for her short, but AMAZING portrayal of a mother who just doesn't know what to do. Both movies were thought provoking and beautiful, and if you haven't seen one or both of them, go and rent!
Thing to be grateful for today: My large amount of size 8 knitting needles (They came in handy this afternoon).
Yep, Streep is amazing and you're welcome for the size 8 needles!