See, I have been working on the blanket all day (It doesn't look like the beginning's of a blue scarf anymore), and I wanted so badly to show you all! However, when I went to look for my camera, no luck. I seriously searched top to bottom, everywhere it could be...I just realized that that wasn't totally true. Guess what? The camera was in the one feasible place I hadn't looked. Guess what else? I tried to take a picture, and the battery is DEAD! Crap. Now I've spent the past twenty minutes trying to figure out how to charge a Godforsaken camera battery! Of course, now I have to wait for it to charge.
Well, as long as I'm waiting, I feel like I need to apologize for the super lame posts these past couple of days. Between technological failures, overbearing schoolwork, and all of my other obligations, the blog has suffered. I've just ended one of the hardest classes I've ever taken, so hopefully things will improve now.
Here's the knitting update (I need to get back to talking philosophy, knitting is getting boring): I knit maybe three rows of the cardigan today...yeah...I had so much to do that I really needed to focus on that I didn't want to distract myself from by the need to count decrease rows in my head, so instead I opted to work on the blanket all day, and I gotta say, the blanket is looking pretty badass.
I'm using a really fun blanket patter. I call it "Let's Just Wing It and See What We Get, Shall We?" Yeah...I'm basically knitting, picking up stitches, knitting some more, making executive decisions about what colors go where and how long/wide the pieces are. It's pretty fun. The blanket it is sort of slowly constructing itself in my mind like a puzzle, piece by piece.
I'm still considering a violet edging around the entire thing. What do you guys think?
The colors are less bright and intense in real life, just letting you know. Does winging it seem like a good idea to all of you? That's one corner right there.
Thing to be grateful for: Sleepovers
Violet Edging Yes!!!!! Also, the Making It Up As You Go Along approach sounds A)really creative and 2)potentially good for blog-fodder.
ReplyDeleteAlso, swear your sleepover guests to a promise to read and comment on the blog daily for a month. I'm doing all the heavy lifting over here.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally going to do the violet edging. However, I did not swear them to anything. I'll just put another facebook status up.