I've been working on it in my spare moments these past few days, and today I was planning on getting quite a lot of it done, because I was going to be out of the house for several hours, however, I foolishly just grabbed the project without considering the fact hat I the ball it was attached to had basically no yarn left, so I knit for about half an hour and then I was done...yarnless, and hours of prime knitting time gone. I was none too pleased. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.
Now, on to future knitting. I was given a ton of yarn for my birthday this year, but these are my two personal favorite skeins:
The colors are a little off (sorry about the distance, it was the only way to get the colors to work at all).
Anyway, these are two beautiful skeins of "Patons SWS". They're 70% wool, 30% soy, and they're beautiful! They are so soft, and have a lovely halo. Now, the question is, what do I knit them into? Thoughts knitters? Or non-knitters? Everyone should give a suggestion, even if you don't normally comment!
Anyway, yesterday, I swore to clean my room, and here are the results:
Much better, no? That thing that appears to be a pile o' crap on the right side is my bag of yarn. That is a cat on my floor; his name is Steve.
Isn't that nice? I think so.
Now, the desk was not so much fixed:
And that, my friends, is tomorrow's task.
Thing to be grateful for today: Pillow-top mattresses.
STEVE! I love you Steve.
ReplyDeleteOh, goodness. I know I told you I was going to bed, but I have to do this first.
ReplyDeleteI don't have many ideas for your (lovely) yarn that aren't thoroughly cliché. But I enjoyed all of the oddities you could find through the link right here --> http://first-things-first.net/2009/04/22/free-lunch-strange-objects-to-knit/
Although, I'm not sure if you'd want to spend all that yarn knitting things like bicycles and light bulbs.
Another thing, I'm just throwing it out there, but you knit really pretty stuff. Yes, please take that as a compliment regarding your talent, but also as a compliment regarding your taste. I've been sifting through knit//crochet websites, and, let me tell you, some people produce atrocious clothing//accessories. And then, to make it worse, they wear them. In public.
So I just wanted to thank you for not creating this:
Aww...Bethany, Steve loves you too. Also, you absoloutely have to follow the first link Morgan posted, because it is full of awesome things you will want to make.
ReplyDeleteMorgan, you are so sweet (I forgive you for staying up late, because you did it for knitting-related purposes, so it's understandable). I LOVED both of the links, and I totally think I want to knit a horse's head one day, but not with this yarn, because it's very fluffy...maybe a neon green horse's head? I have a bunch of neon green yarn in the bottom of my stash (yes, a knitter's spare yarn is called "stash", just like people have a stash of pot).
I'm glad I don't knit awful things like that too.
I believe that steve placed himself in that exact spot on purpose. Apparently in the hopes that he would ruin any attempt to record proof of your room's cleanliness....
ReplyDeleteHe succeeded.
Pillow-top mattress ftw!
ReplyDeleteI think a neon green horse's head would be perfectly acceptable.
ReplyDeleteI would probably crochet something like that, but I think it would come out a little lumpy.
Griffin, I would say that Steve is evil, except that he is on my side, unlike the truly evil Spot who is my mother's spy.
ReplyDeleteLauren, what on earth is "ftw"? (I am such a failed teenager)
Morgan, Neon green horse heads RULE!
ftw = "for the win." It's gamer talk, you Luddite.
ReplyDeletestripey slouchy hat. Slob.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that I"m going to buy another color of the same yarn, and make a tri-striped scarf!