Here's a picture of our Darmstadt super-adventure group outside of Darmstadt's very own castle:
I'm impressed that I was able to take very good pictures of our group by myself. However, I apparently cannot do that and look into the camera at the same time.
This was an INCREDIBLE mural in the front hall of a tower in Darmstadt that I went to with a few of the above individuals. It might be my favorite thing so far.
This green spinning thing at the playground of the local Waldorf School might top it though.
We had a lot of fun with that. :D
Apparently, they have pizza that comes with a salad on top in Germany. That AMAZED me!! I had to get a photo of it.
Looks deliscious, right??
Later, we got ice cream. You wouldn't believe how good German ice cream is.
Finally, yesterday, I went over to the house of another person's host family and we made fajitas! They were surprisingly tasty. Apparently, contrary to what I've heard, Germans can make Tex-Mex. Provided, our team of cooks was actually two Texans and a German, but we did it!!
Here are my fellow chefs:
So, that's what I've done for the past two days (actually, that's a tiny taste of what I've done, but I'll post more on that later.).
I love you guys!!
Thing to be grateful for today: My fellow Texas students.
Love the twirly thing, and hope Emmie is okay.
ReplyDeleteI want to eat the entire pizza-salad myself; It looks incredible.
ReplyDeleteThe kissing angels are beautiful. Any the spinning thing is called a merry-go-round. American school and public playgrounds had them too until the whole litigious society thing made them too much of a potential liablity. I remember an awesome really big one on the Zilker Park playground when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteI love how Emmie says, "Gosh darn it" when she falls. Such a proper lady.