So lately, at least once a day I want to scream four (five) words at the top of my lungs. I want to scream them so loudly that the rafters shake. I want to belt them out at such volumes that my entire city can here. I want to bring the masses (including myself) out of their self-pitying stupor and point out the one thing that actually matters. Love. I want to point out to everyone (still including myself here) that love is all around us, but we choose only to focus on the love we cannot see, because it does not exist. We believe that if we do not personally have that one person who we are convinced will make us happy, that there is no such thing as love, but that's a downright lie. That's why, lately, at least once a day, I want to scream:
Pardon my French (Parlez-vous français?).
Anyway, there are a lot of reasons to believe this. You just need to find them. My reasons to recognize that there is still hope for things in our world for today:
- Today was an absolutely beautiful day. We're talking out of its mind gorgeous. The sun was shining, and it wasn't too hot (for Texas) and it was just so amazing. It makes me dream in Cummings.
- As old life comes to an end...

Thing to be grateful for today: Hope.
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