I've done a lot of journaling today. Journaling is one of those things that I've always said I'd get into, but never really have. I'm hoping that this changes things. Sometimes, you just really need time to sit and write shit out, and today was definitely one of those days. I wrote a good deal about some things I'm going through right now, and that was really healing.
Today though, I want to talk about the goals I set at the beginning of the break. I'm a little more than a third of the way in, so I thought today would be a good day to see how I'm doing.
It doesn't look good. Here's the original list:
1. Go to yoga at least 6 times (that's two a week, for the mathematically challenged).
2. Sit down and work on my play for at least one hour six days out of each week.
3. Start a dream journal. Sit in bed after waking up and try to remember my dreams.
4. Go through at least 12 hours of Rosetta Stone (I have the program in German, and have barely scratched the surface. I can already tell that it's a great program. I really need to pick up the pace with my German education, since I'm going to Germany a few weeks in the summer.).
5. Finish at least one and a half panels of the garter stitch blanket I'm making (It's knit in three striped panels, so that's half of a blanket).
6. Read "Letters to a Young Poet", "The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Clean House". Those are all three things I've been wanting to read for quite a while now (I know, it's shameful that I only ever made it a third of the way through "The Fellowship of the Ring". I was in third grade).
7. Take at least two days out of every week (or six days over the total course of the three weeks), where I do not get on the internet at all.
8. Go on one of my adventures down south Congress once a week (Basically, I take the bus down to the SoCo district and walk around, grab lunch, visit the yarn shop, all that good stuff. It's always a total treat).
9. Visit with at least five people I haven't in a while (I mean really visit. Sit down, just us and hang out.)
10. Weed out the music I do not like on my iPod.
Here's how I'm doing:
1. I haven't gone to yoga at all...I keep meaning to...I ran today! (Cheers)
2. I was really good about that...until this weekend. It kind of killed that goal...I'm still working on it though! Really, I'll be fine as long as I finish Act 1 by the time school starts back up.
3. I journaled today. And like a page of it was about dreams! HUZZA!
4. I sat down one day and did some...I could still make the twelve hours...
5. I already wrote a post about this one. Knitting should be fun, dammit! So right now I'm knitting a scarf because I feel like it.
6. I read "The Clean House" (already posted about that too), and I've started The Fellowship of the Rings, but I've been put on a detour by my playwriting mentor, so I'm reading more plays right now instead.
7. Well, this one wasn't really thought through well, because I need the internet to write the blog...so...yeah...I didn't get on facebook at all today (VICTORY).
8. I did this already a couple of times. It was nice. I only took the bus one time though. I drove myself the other times (with parental guidance, I don't have a license yet).
9. Well...let's see...I've hung out with...1...2...3...4...yeah...four. That's good!
10. That process has in fact begun. Go me!
Before I sign off for tonight, I'd like to go on a quick rant about the words my spellcheck does not recognize in this post. They are: Journaling, SoCo (understandable), iPod, journaled, Huzza, playwriting, facebook, and (get this) Spellcheck. I don't know about you, but I think every one of those words except for SoCo is used often enough that my spellcheck should recognize it!
Rant over.
Thing to be grateful for today: The freedom of running.